Open: Advertisement for THREE posts of Teaching Assistants

The Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics is re-inviting applications for 3 Teaching Assistants for the ongoing semester of the academic year 2022-23. The positions are open for economics/statistics post-graduate candidates. Each TA will assist and report to one faculty member. 

Apply here.

Deadline: 15 August

Position: Temporary

An ideal Teaching Assistant would fulfil the following responsibilities:

  1. Attend all lectures of the faculty member they are reporting to.
  2. Record the attendance of students.
  3. Ensure that course materials designed by faculty members reach all students
  4. Spend three hours meeting students and resolving their queries (this is separate from attending the lectures).
  5. Help in designing assignments/quizzes
  6. Remain available for the invigilation duties for the examination according to requirements.
  7. Assist in the assessment process and submit results by the deadline
  8. Engage the class at the request of the faculty member 

Duration: August 2022 to December 2022

Compensation: Monetary benefits range from Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000 per month

Apply here.