Population Research Centre

  • About PRC
  • Ongoing Projects
  • Completed Projects

Established by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the Population Research Centre (PRC) at the Institute is credited with pioneering methodologies in demographic surveys. The PRC has undertaken studies on various dimensions of the family planning programme at its various stages starting with communication methods, adoption of spacing methods, maternal and child health, RCH approach of the programme, RTI/STI, client satisfaction, unwanted pregnancies, etc. The PRC has also undertaken evaluation of the work of NGOs in the field of family welfare. In recent years the Centre has undertaken evaluation of sterilisation bed reservation scheme, family welfare training institutions, functioning of ultrasound sonography centres, functioning of urban health posts, etc.

In the area of data collection on a wider scale, the Centre has participated in major evaluative and fact-finding surveys and analytical studies.

Some of the major studies undertaken in recent times include:

  • Study on cost of health care in the public hospitals in Maharashtra
  • World Bank-sponsored study on quality of health care (client and provider satisfaction).
  • Demography of India’s tribal population
  • Rapid Appraisal of National Rural Health Mission in Gadchiroli District, Maharashtra
  • Seasonal Migration of Labourers in Maharashtra
  • Safe Adolescent Transition and Health Initiative (SATHI):  Midline Evaluation Survey of a Project for Improving the Reproductive Health of Married Adolescent Girls
  • Long-Term Demographic Trends in North-East India
  • Employment and its Linkages in Higher Education: An Analysis among Various Social Groups of India
  • Online Verification of HMIS Data for Maharashtra
  • Monitoring and Evaluation of Programme Implementation Plan, 2012-13 for Maharashtra
  • Monitoring of DLHS-4 in Maharashtra
  1. A comprehensive assessment of occupational health Hazard of Muncipal Sanitary workers of Pune, Maharashtra. Funded by ICSSR, New Delhi.

  • 2017-2021
  • 2016-2017
  • 2015-2016
  • 2014-2015
  • 2013-2014
  • 2012-2013
  • 2011-2012
  • 2010-2011
  • 2009-2010
Monitoring of Programme Implementation Plan (PIP) under NHM Population Research Centre (PRC), Pune has visited more than 80 districts (some districts have been covered twice or thrice) of the state of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha so far for the monitoring of the Programme Implementation Plan (PIP) of NHM.
  1. Burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) among pregnant women
  2. Cause of adolescent and Adult death in India: Evidence from HMIS
  3. The burden of disease and health expenditure among older adults in Maharashtra
  4. Effect of COVID-19 on essential health care services in the Public health facilities of Pune district
  5. Inequalities and trends in maternal health care services utilization in India, 1992-2016: Strategies in the Search for Improvements
  6. Socio-economic inequality in informed choice of contraceptive use among women of Maharashtra: A concern for reproductive and sexual heath and right
  7. Study on Causes of Child Deaths in Maharashtra
  8. Spousal Violence in India: Role of gender relative status
  9. Perception and Prevalence of chronic illness among different categories of workers in Pune, Maharashtra (2019 – 2020)
  10. Tuberculosis and Undernutrition in India (2018 – 2019)
  11. Mother’s Knowledge and Behaviour on Child Feeding and Childcare Practices and Impact on Child Health Outcome: A study in Pune Slum in Maharashtra (2018 – 2019)
  12. Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity and its relationship with Hypertension among the Working Adults in Urban Area of Maharashtra (2018 -2019)
  13. Analysis of Quality of HMIS Data at the State and District Level for Maharashtra Impact on Policy
  14. Morbidity Issue and Health care of Prisoners in Yerwada Central Jail, Pune (2017 – 2018)
  15. An Assessment of Service Provider in Implementation of JSSK Service in Pune Maharashtra, 2017
  16. Reversing Son Preference: A Study of Contributory Factors
Collaborative studies completed
  1. 1. Acted as field implementation and data collection agency for WHO-SAGE-Wave 3 Project
  2. 2. Utilization of RCH services during COVID-19 Pandemic: An assessment. Findings from IIPS-PRC multi-centric study
  • 3. HOME BASED NEWBORN CARE (HBNC) PROGRAM: Concurrent Monitoring of Selected Indian States
  • 4. Perspectives on COVID-19 Vaccination in India
    1. Monitoring and Evaluation of  Program Implementation Plan, 2016-17 (Osmanabad , Satara, Nandurbar, Dhule) District, Maharashtra, by Vini Sivanandan, Arun Pisal, A.P. Prashik R.S. Pol and Akram Khan
    2. Activities Related to HMIS during 2016-2017, by Vini Sivanandan, Arun Pisal, Akram Khan, R.S. Pol and A.P. Prashik
    3. Health disparity and Inequities among Disabled Population of India, by Vini Sivanandan, Arun Pisal, Akram Khan, R.S. Pol, A.P. Prashik and Vandana Shivnekar
    1. Field Visits to the Districts in Connection with HMIS, by Vini Sivanandan, Arun Pisal, Akram Khan, R.S. Pol and A.P. Prashik
    2.  Quarterly Monitoring of  Program Implementation Plan (PIP) under NRHM, 2015-16, Ahemdnagar, Beed, Nagpur, Solapur, Sindhudurg, Palghar, Buldhana, Brihanmumbai Districts, Maharashtra, by Vini Sivanandan, Arun Pisal, Akram Khan, R.S. Pol and A.P. Prashik
    3.  Monthly on-line verification of HMIS data for the districts of Maharashtra, by Vini Sivanandan, Vandana Shivnekar, Arun Pisal, Akram Khan, R.S. Pol and A.P. Prashik
    4.  Evaluation of Free transport and Diet services under Janani-Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK) in Pune, Maharashtra, by Vini Sivanandan, Arun Pisal, R.S. Pol, A.P. Prashik and Vandana Shivnekar
    5.  An Assessment of c section deliveries and linkages with Obstetric Complications in Maharashtra, 2014-15, by Vini Sivanandan, Arun Pisal, and Vandana Shivnekar
    6.  A comparative analysis of malnutrition among children in Maharashtra, by Vini Sivanandan, Vandana Shivnekar, R.S. Pol, Arun Pisal, A.P. Prashik, and Akram Khan
    7.  Evaluation of ASHA Schemes in Maharashtra, 2014-15, by Vini Sivanandan, Arun Pisal, Vandana Shivnekar, Akram Khan, R.S. Pol, and A.P. Prashik
    1. Quarterly Monitoring of Program Implementation Plan (PIP) under NRHM , ViniSivanandan, ArunPisal, Akram Khan, R.S. Pol and A.P. Prashik.
    2. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan 2014-15 in Giridih District, Jharkhand , ViniSivanandan, A. Khan and R.S. Pol.
    3. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan, 2014-15 in Bokaro District, Jharkhand , ViniSivanandan, ArunPisal and A. Prashik.
    4. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan 2014-15 in Dhanbad District, Jharkhand, ViniSivanandan, A. Khan and R.S. Pol.
    5. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan 2014-15 in Koderma District, Jharkhand, ViniSivanandan, ArunPisal and A. Prashik.
    6. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan 2014-15 in Satara District Maharashtra, R.S. Pol, A. Prashik and ViniSivanandan.
    7. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan, 2014-15 in Dadra and NagarHaveli, ArunPisal, A. Khan and ViniSivanandan.
    8. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan 2014-15 in Gadchiroli District, Maharashtra, ViniSivanandan, ArunPisal and R.S. Pol.
    9. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan, 2014-15 in Chandrapur District, Maharashtra, ViniSivanandan, A. Khan and R.S. Pol.
    10. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan 2014-15 in Gondiya District, Maharashtra, ViniSivanandan, ArunPisal and A. Prashik.
    11. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan 2014-15 in Sangli District, Maharashtra , ViniSivanandan, A. Khan and A. Prashik.
    12. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan, 2014-15 in Pune District, Maharashtra, ViniSivanandan and R.S. Pol. , ViniSivanandan, A. Khan and R.S. Pol.
    13. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan 2014-15 Kolhapur District, Maharashtra, ViniSivanandan, ArunPisal and R.S. Pol.
    14. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan 2014-15 in Bhandara District, Maharashtra, ViniSivanandan, A. Khan, A. Prashik and ArunPisal.
    15. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan 2014-15 in Hingoli District, Maharashtra, ArunPisal, A. Prashik and Vini Sivanandan.
    16. Evaluation of JananiShishuSurakshaKaryakram (JSSK) in Maharashtra,Vini Sivanandan, R. Nagarajan, SanjeevaneeMulay, ArunPisal, Akram Khan, R.S. Pol, A.P. Prashik and VandanaShivnekar.
    17. Field Visits to the Districts in Connection with HMIS, Vini Sivanandan, ArunPisal, Akram Khan, R.S. Pol and A.P. Prashik.
    18. Monthly on-line verification of HMIS data for the districts of Maharashtra, Vini Sivanandan, VandanaShivnekar, ArunPisal, Akram Khan, R.S. Pol and A.P. Prashik.
    19. On-line analysis of HMIS data using Web report studio data for the districts of Maharashtra,Vini Sivanandan, Vandana Shivnekar, ArunPisal, Akram Khan, R.S. Pol and A.P. Prashik.
    1. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan, 2013-14 Hingoli District, Maharashtra, ArunPisal, A.P.Prashik, ViniSivanandan and R. Nagarajan.
    2. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan, 2014-15 Kolhapur District, Maharashtra , Vini Sivanandan, ArunPisal and R.S. Pol.
    3. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan, 2014-15 Sangli District, Maharashtra , Akram Khan, A.P.Prashik and Vini Sivanandan.
    4. An Assessment of ASHA Scheme in Maharashtra , Vini Sivanandan, ArunPisal, Akram Khan, R.S. Pol and A.P. Prashik.
    5. Activities Related to HMIS during 2013-2014 , Vini Sivanandan, ArunPisal, AkramKhan, R.S. Pol and A.P. Prashik.
    6. Evaluation of Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK) in Maharashtra , R. Nagarajan, Vini Sivanandan, Sanjeevanee Mulay, ArunPisal, Akram Khan, R.S. Pol, A.P. Prashik and Vandana Shivnekar.
    7. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan, 2014-15 Gadchiroli District, Maharashtra, Vini Sivanandan, Arun Pisal and R.S. Pol.
    8. Monitoring and Evaluation of ProgramImplementation Plan, 2014-15 Bhandara District, Maharashtra , Akram Khan, A.P.Prashik and ViniSivanandan.
    9. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan, 2014-15 Pune District, Maharashtra, Vini Sivanandanand R.S. Pol.
    1. Regional Growth Strategies for the Region Covered by Development Board (Rest of Maharashtra), Government of Maharashtra
    2. Comprehensive Nutrition Survey of Maharashtra, UNICEF and International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai
    3. Monthly On-line Verification of HMIS data for the Districts of Maharashtra
    4. Safe Adolescent Transition and Health Initiative (SATHI), Midline Evaluation, Institute of Health Management, Pachod
    5. Field Visits to the Districts in Connection with HMIS
    6. Analysis of Quality of HMIS Data for Maharashtra and its Districts 2012-13
    7. Monitoring of DLHS-4 in Maharashtra
    8. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan, 2012-13 Dadra & Nagar Haveli (UT)
    9. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan, 2012-13 Raigad District, Maharashtra
    10. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan, 2012-13 Nandurbar District, Maharashtra
    11. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan, 2012-13 Sindhudurg District, Maharashtra
    12. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan, 2012-13 Maharashtra
    13. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan, 2012-13 Maharashtra
    14. Monitoring and Evaluation of Program Implementation Plan, 2012-13 Maharashtra
    1. Employment and its Linkages in Higher Education, An Analysis among Various Social Groups of India
    2. Socio-Economic Inequalities in Maternal Morbidity in India, A Decomposing Analysis
    3. Domestic Violence and HIV/AIDS Epidemics – An Exploration
    4. Long-Term Demographic Trends in North-East India 1901-2001
    5. Child Right Situational Analysis of Children of Families Engaged in the Sugarcane Farming in Maharashtra, Save the Children
    6. Safe Adolescent Transition and Health Initiative (SATHI) Midline Evaluation Survey of a Project for Improving the Reproductive Health of Married Adolescent Girls in Five Districts of Maharashtra
    7. An Evaluation of NBCFDC Schemes in the State of Gujarat, National Backward Classes Finance & Development Corporation (Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment), New Delhi
    8. Online Verification of HMIS data for Maharashtra
    9. Analysis of Quality of HMIS Data for Maharashtra and its Districts
    10. Underlying Causes for Data Error in HMIS in Maharashtra, A Case Study of Aurangabad District
    11. Underlying Causes for Data Error in HMIS in Maharashtra, A Case Study of Yawatmal District
    12. Underlying Causes for Data Error in HMIS in Maharashtra, A Case Study of Kolhapur District
    1. Employment and its Linkages in Higher Education An Analysis among Various Social Groups of India
    2. Socio-Economic Inequalities in Maternal Morbidity in India A Decomposing Analysis
    3. Domestic Violence and HIV/AIDS Epidemics – An Exploration
    4. Long-Term Demographic Trends in North-East India 1901-2001
    5. Safe Adolescent Transition and Health Initiative (SATHI) Midline Evaluation Survey of a Project for Improving the Reproductive Health of Married Adolescent Girls in Five Districts of Maharashtra, Institute of Health Management
    6. An Evaluation of NBCFDC Schemes in the State of Gujarat, National Backward Classes Finance & Development Corporation (Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment)
    1. Seasonal Migration of Laborers in Maharashtra, Janarth, Aurangabad
    2. Rapid Appraisal of National Rural Health Mission Gadchiroli District, Maharashtra