Fortnightly Seminar Series “The Opt-Out Revolution: The Determinants of Educated Female’s Labour Supply decision in India” By Ms. Mehr Kaur

Fortnightly Seminar Series

“The Opt-Out Revolution: The Determinants of Educated Female’s Labour Supply decision in India”

Speaker: Ms. Mehr Kaur

Abstract: Contrary to global trend workforce participation of Indian females is low and is further declining, even amongst the higher educated females. This paper incorporates the role of marriage, household, and relations in instrumenting opting-out of higher educated urban married females in the specification of their labour supply equation for the Indian subcontinent. Using 64th (2007-08), 66th (2009-10) and 68th round (2011-12) of National Sample Survey we measure the household’s attachment towards its married female members and further examine the effects of structural development via technical education, local labour market structure of demand, own-wage effects, affirmative action, attachment to their role as married females and various other factors. We find that technical education not only induces substitution via her own-wage effect, but being technically educated also expands her set of opportunities as it induces labour market attachments.
Chair: Prof. Sangeeta Shroff
Date: 7th April 2022
Time: 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Venue: Seminar Hall