Seminar by Prof. Tarun Kabiraj, ISI, Kolkata.
Subject: On the Choice of R&D Organization
Monday, March 4, 2019 at 4.30 pm in the Seminar Hall of the Institute.
This paper seeks to examine, in the context of Marjit (1991, Eco. Lett.) and Mukherjee and Marjit (2004, Gr. Dec. Nego.) models, the effect on the choice of R&D organization if the number of research lab
is chosen by the firms optimally under R&D cooperation. Given the optimal form of R&D cooperation, the paper further studies the effect of introducing fee licensing under non-cooperative R&D. We show that our results substantially differ from those in the existing literature. The R&D cost, the success probability, and the size of innovation, all these play a crucial role.